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Wild vs Hybrid Discus: Which One Is Right for You?
Wild or Hybrid Discus? | "CONSERVATION" and The Exotic Fish Trade!
DISCUS IMMUNE SYSTEM: Wilds vs Hybrid Discus Fish “Are Their Immune Systems Different?
You've Been LIED To About Discus! Here's The Truth!
Between Wild Discus and Hybrid Discus which one has more parasites . Live nel
Who has this Wilds blood ? in 4K - Available in santaremdiscusplus com
Mixing Wild Discus with Hybrids
How to keep WILD DISCUS
The 21 BEST Types Of Discus Fish...
Discus vs Severums: Which is The Better Centerpiece Fish?
RAM CICHLIDS AND DISCUS FISH: Are They Good Tank Mates? What You Need To Know
Oh dear, the most expensive discus fish is no more #discus